Happiness of people in Donkeaw Community, Mearim District, Chiang Mai Province.

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Panida Jongsuksomsakul


     A survey of people in the community of Donkaew sub-district, Mae Rrim District,Chiang Mai Provinceby using qualitative and quantitative methods (N=386, =0.05). There are two main objectives of this study, firstly, to explore indicators for six aspects of well-being and happiness (mental and physical health, job security, economic security,family and community relationships, local administration and environmental and meteorological conditions): secondly, to explore how social and cultural capital impacts happiness. The analysis of this research shows that 7 factors, including social and cultural capital impact the lifestyle of the community.

     The results additionally indicate that representatives of all stakeholders in Donkaew are happy ( = 5.9) which are including mental and physical health aspect ( = 6.0), job security and working life aspect ( =5.7), economic security aspect ( =4.9), household and community relationships aspect ( =7.3), local administration aspect ( =6.9) and environmental and meteorological aspect ( =3.8). All factors affect well-being average happiness ratio, especially well-being and strong mind, saving , good communication and relationships, The management of community leader is transparent and building participation can embed the social capital which become cultural capital. The radio and wire broadcast is still the media that connect the people in the community to the world and disseminate knowledge in the community so the people become an important human capital to sustainable community development.

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How to Cite
jongsuksomsakul, panida . (2020). Happiness of people in Donkeaw Community, Mearim District, Chiang Mai Province. King Prajadhipok’s Institute Journal, 14(2), 87–104. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/kpi_journal/article/view/244168
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