The Comparative Study of the Relationship between Politicians and Civil Servants in Thailand and International Countries: Recommendations for Thailand

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Supasawad Chardchawarn


     This research analyzes the comparative study of the relationship between politicians and civil servants in Thailand and foreign countries. The key objective is to understand the politico-administrative relations in Thailand in comparison with abroad in order to propose recommendations for the country by utilizing the concluded outcomes/experiences.

     The study shows Thailand’s current political-administrative interdependence and the historical context of politicians vis ? vis civil servants, which exemplifies how this relationship depends on the country’s political sentiments. In this connection, the selected case studies for this paper include the USA, Japan, and Australia. On the American front, politicians play an active role and will most likely to continue. At the other end of the spectrum, Japan has a bureaucratic dominance model. However, it is shifting towards empowering politicians at the expense of its historically notable bureaucrats by increasing the politicians’ role in the shuffling of civil service positions. In terms of Australia, it has adopted a decentralized political structure that authorized a bureaucratic reshuffle within the bureaucracy system itself.

     In conclusion, the study addresses the undeniable political influence on the bureaucracy within the democratic context. With this in mind, transparency and accountability is of paramount importance. Therefore, recommendations concluded from this research comprises limiting the politicians’ role solely to the personnel administration of high-ranking civil servants, as well as, improving the reshuffle process of top bureaucrats, and developing a mechanism to enhance the personnel administration of high-ranking civil servants.

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How to Cite
chardchawarn, . supasawad . (2020). The Comparative Study of the Relationship between Politicians and Civil Servants in Thailand and International Countries: Recommendations for Thailand. King Prajadhipok’s Institute Journal, 13(1), 72–97. Retrieved from
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