The Road to Reconciliation from the Republic of South Africa: A lesson for Thailand

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Natchapat Ountrongchit


     This paper is an analysis of the reconciliation process and law from the experience of the republic of South Africa to adapt to the process of reconciliation in Thailand. The success of the republic of South Africa has been a guideline for reconciliation in many countries such as Paraguay and Colombia. This paper begins with the review of the root of the conflict as well as the law and process of the reconciliation to find the factors that lead to the success of the resolution made in the republic of South Africa.

     The study in this paper found that although the conflicts in Thailand and the republic of South Africa are different in details, there are common elements which may lead to the reconciliation process in both countries. The study in this paper found that, in order to reconcile the conflict in Thailand, policy that must be done immediately is the guarantee on the use of state’s power according to the rule of law. The invention of peace talk must be seriously and persistently promoted with groups of people who have different ideology from the government.

     In the intermediate range planning, there must be serious efforts to eliminate corruption and get rid of gangster. There should also be policies to eradicate social inequality. The decentralization of state’s power must be provided for the participation of people.

     In the long run, there must be motivation to understand the differences of people as well as the attitude to live with one another peacefully. There must be promotion to talk in peace without using violence. The endorsement of democratic political culture and political participation must be publicized to create the society that tolerates in differences in identity, life, and ideology of people in the society.

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How to Cite
ountrongchit, natchapat . (2020). The Road to Reconciliation from the Republic of South Africa: A lesson for Thailand. King Prajadhipok’s Institute Journal, 13(1), 177–201. Retrieved from
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