Implementing the ASEAN Comprehensive Investment Agreement in Thailand

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Pawarit Lertdhamtewe


     The ASEAN Comprehensive Investment Agreement (ACIA), one of the major trade agreements within the ASEAN Economic Community, principally aims to promote a free and liberalised investment regime in the Southeast Asian region by imposing universal rules on investment. The ACIA has incorporated some basic principles of international investment treaties, thereby conforming to the norms of international law. It is the
general purpose of this paper to consider rules and principles as stipulated in the ACIA, and to examine Thailand’s position with reference to the ACIA. The paper aims to provide some recommendations for further development of the Thai legal system to ensure that Thailand can comply with its obligations under the ASEAN Economic Community

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How to Cite
lertdhamtewe, pawarit . (2020). Implementing the ASEAN Comprehensive Investment Agreement in Thailand. King Prajadhipok’s Institute Journal, 13(2), 145–162. Retrieved from
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