Digital Economy Bills and Political Interference

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‪Wanwipar Puasiri


     Regarded as a good sign, Digital Economy Policy was proposed as an instrument for the sustainable development of the Thai economy. Unfortunately, the proposed Bills for Digital Economy do not cover many important issues and ideas. As a result, the proposed Bills, which are supposed to support the digital economy, have became the country’s security law by which politicians could easily intervene with government officials. Such changes may cause the foreign investors to lose confidence in doing business in Thailand. Moreover, the proposed Bills for Digital Economy also have many parts that deprive the rights and liberties of the Thai people, especially the mass media. They give enormous power to the government and its officers to seize the property or gain access to the database of the Thai citizen without having to obtain a court order, which is in conflict with normal administrative procedure. 

     Since the Cabinet approved the Digital Economy Bills, specialists and groups of internet users have disagreed with some points stated in the Bills. As a consequent, they sent letters to express their objection towards the proposed Bills to a delegate of the Prime Minister. The Cabinet has just realized the mistakes and ordered the drafting team to make necessary amendment on the proposed Bills. Currently, the Bills are under the
examination and the amendment procedures by the Judicial Council. This article will analyze the problems of bills for digital economy, and suggested the resolutions for the maximum benefit of the people and the economic system of Thailand. 

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How to Cite
puasiri, ‪wanwipar . (2020). Digital Economy Bills and Political Interference. King Prajadhipok’s Institute Journal, 13(3), 30–58. Retrieved from
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