Policy Formulation for the Purpose of Decreasing Spatial Inequality

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Watcharapol Wongniyomkasat


     This article attempts to make policy recommendations for the purpose of decreasing spatial inequality in Thai society by regarding the factors that affect spatial inequality as important elements that cause policies to be appropriate and compatible with the national context. The results showed that the important factors that affect spatial disparity include Gross Provincial Product (GPP), provincial bank credits, and provincial
budgetary allocations. Such factors lead to the creation of policy recommendations focused on expanding GPP to reduce spatial inequality, establishing microfinance as a means of access to investment funds, and deciding budgetary allocations on the basis of inequality. In addition, these policies aim to reduce the level of spatial inequality of Thai state by creating structural changes in these factors in each province.

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How to Cite
Wongniyomkasat, W. . (2020). Policy Formulation for the Purpose of Decreasing Spatial Inequality. King Prajadhipok’s Institute Journal, 12(2), 31–51. retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/kpi_journal/article/view/244307
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