A Study of Socioeconomic Factors behind Military Recruitment Systems (Conscription Versus All-Voluntary)

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Charupol Ruangsuwan


            The military personnel recruitment system has been a controversial topic in public policy and public administration for years, especially the options of having a conscription system of an all-volunteer force (AVF). This article studies the relationships between socioeconomic variables and the practice of either conscription or all-volunteer force by conducting a panel data analysis using fixed-effect model to analyze empirical data from 192 countries between 1980 and 2017. The findings of the study suggest that several independent variables are statistically significant, namely, GDP per capita, freedom of press, total population, armed forces personnel as a percentage of total labor force, and military expenditure as a percentage of total government expenditure. Despite the shortcomings in generalizations due to various differences in countries’ socioeconomic conditions, the findings of this study can be considered as an underlying set of information for further studies regarding military personnel policy.

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How to Cite
ruangsuwan, charupor. (2021). A Study of Socioeconomic Factors behind Military Recruitment Systems (Conscription Versus All-Voluntary). King Prajadhipok’s Institute Journal, 18(3), 79–101. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/kpi_journal/article/view/246835
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