Problems and Impacts in Accessing and Utilizing Resources of Bang Taboon Oak Community, Ban Laem District, Phetchaburi Province

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กนกพร คุ้มภัย
Sawanya Thammaapipon
Narin Sungruksa
Kriengsak Thammaapipon



The purposes of this research were 1) to study resources use, methods of accessing resources, and problems accessing and utilizing resources in a community; 2) to study local people’s participation in community resource management; 3) to study ways of reducing problems in accessing and utilizing resources in a community. The study was conducted in the area of Bang Taboon Oak Sub-district, Ban Laem District, Petchaburi Province. Data was collected through in-depth interviews and group discussions among 50 key informants include Bang Taboon Municipality, conservation groups, educational institutions, community leaders, and community members. Questionnaires were collected from 276 heads of households and representatives in Bang Taboon Oak Sub-district. Qualitative data from the interviews and group discussions were analyzed and verified for accuracy through triangulation method to draw conclusions. The outcomes were subjected to research analysis before being prepared for summary and presentation as the descriptive study. The quantitative data from questionnaires were analyzed by using frequency distribution statistics, percentage, mean, and standard deviation.

      The findings suggest that 1) community resources were utilized for coastal fishing and aquaculture. Resources were accessed through household labor, traditional fishing tools, and capital. Problems concerning resource access were changes in rules and regulations, sea water quality, small available capital, labor, condition of fishery equipment, and other. The above problems lead to inequality in access to resource use in the community. 2) The level of community resource management participation was of moderate level (Mean 3.21) overall; receiving benefits was the highest rank with the maximum score of 3.56, followed by exploring problems, operations, and planning (mean 3.15, 3.09, and 3.04, respectively). Problems in accessing and utilizing resources in the community can be addressed by encouraging the fishermen’s power and management potential, encouraging responsible participation, and increasing communication channels both inside and outside the community by using print media, personal media, and social media.

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How to Cite
คุ้มภัย ก., Thammaapipon, S., Sungruksa, N., & Thammaapipon, K. (2021). Problems and Impacts in Accessing and Utilizing Resources of Bang Taboon Oak Community, Ban Laem District, Phetchaburi Province. King Prajadhipok’s Institute Journal, 19(2), 44–65. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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