Democracy Learning Management Process for Youth, Using Choi

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Nattakit Keawthong


The research aimed to 1) study and analyze the current situation of learning management about democracy and 2) create creative learning management by integrating arts and culture of folk songs (Choi) that are about democracy. It is qualitative research, and it was divided into 2 phases. The first phase was to study and analyze the current situation of learning management about democracy, gather information from interviews. The key informants were 1) social studies teachers 2) ninth grade students. The second phase was to create and do the experiment of creating creative learning management, gather information from interviews. The key informants were 1) folk song teachers 2) folk song artists 3) experts in folk song 4) experts in social science teaching 5) experts in study fields related to politics 6) political activists. The data was analyzed using qualitative analysis with analytic induction and divided the result accordingly to topics then validated by triangulation method. The creative learning management was used in a target group which were 42 ninth-grade students from Watthaichumpol municipality school. The information after the experiment was collected using

The research instruments were 1) in-depth interview and focus group 2) non-Participant Observation 3) participant observation 4) draft of creative learning management 5) plans for creative learning 6) democracy learning assessment.

The result were found that

1) The results of the current situation of learning management about democracy were found that 1) teachers focused on teaching in a narrative style and being a guiding force in teaching. 2. The students were listeners and followed only the instructions.. 3. There were a lot of unnecessary contents. 4) There were no activities in which students participated. 5. Teachers’ teaching media were not varied.

2) The result of creating and doing experiment of creative learning management by integrating arts and culture of folk songs (Choi) that are about democracy was found that, after facing problems of current teaching methods and interviewed experts to make a draft of the learning management and use it on target group, students had gained many as follow 1) students participated in working process and gave opinions 2) they understood the basic concept of democracy 3) they created presentation using knowledge about democracy learned from Choi with creativity and tangibility 4) student seemed interested in learning more about democracy.

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How to Cite
Keawthong, N. (2021). Democracy Learning Management Process for Youth, Using Choi. King Prajadhipok’s Institute Journal, 19(3), 48–76. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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