Human Rights and the Constitution-Making in Thailand

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Pawarit Lertdhamtewe


This article commences with a brief history of Thailand’s constitutional developments of human rights. It argues that ever since the beginning of the Siamese Revolution in B.E.2475 (AD1932), Thailand’s construct of human rights norms is strongly aligned with western culture. Hence, the first constitution under the Temporary Charter B.E.2475 (AD1932) recognizes the right to vote. Specifically, this article considers the influences of western construct of human rights that translate into the constitutions. It also argues that international documents, especially the Universal Declaration of Human Rights that exist in the early days of Thailand’s constitutional development period provided the greatest influence on the shaping of Thailand’s constitutional human rights regime today. Recent developments highlight Thailand’s step towards inclusion of the right to development as documented in international environmental law and this is evident in the Constitution B.E.2540 (AD1997) and the recent constitution adoption which demonstrates Thailand’s desire to establish distinctively human rights norms that integrate local values and international human rights norms.

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How to Cite
Lertdhamtewe, P. (2023). Human Rights and the Constitution-Making in Thailand. King Prajadhipok’s Institute Journal, 20(3), 134–155. Retrieved from
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