International Organizations’ Role on Peace Process and Some Perspectives on Southern Thailand’s Future

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Padtheera Narkurairattana
Ghazalee Awae


This research article is part of the project title “International Organizations’ Role on Peace Process and Some Perspectives on Southern Thailand’s Future” which intends to study of how international actors engage in Southern Thailand’s peacebuilding, and their role in Southern Thailand Peace Process, particularly on the role of third party in formal Peace Dialogue Process that began in 2013.

The research results found that several roles of the international organizations which can be grouped as 1) monitoring peace process 2) creating an environment inductive dialogue and campaigning peace process 3) supporting for academic researches to resolve specific issues, contributing to infra-structure development, contributing development on the education or economic sectors, helping to develop skills relevant to peace dialogue, and helping in major issues such as human rights and international humanitarian principle 4) provisioning and funding capacity building activities 5) playing the role as facilitator in peace dialogue 6) contributing to humanitarian aids and social work. Meanwhile, the role of Malaysia as facilitator is significantly put peace talk forward for Southern of Thailand. Nevertheless, there are many challenges to deal with, for instance, the acceptance from the conflict actors, being trustworthy by the two sides as the third party. Moreover, as being the third party itself, it depends on the Malaysian’s political instability. 

            In order to brighten the prospect of Peace Dialogue Process, it is necessary to assiduously continue the process with the support of all actors. The research recommends that Thai government should allow a greater participation of international actors to accompany the dialogue and provide capacity building to both government and dissident interlocutors. Also, the government should allow international actors to play a greater role in supporting local people and civil society to be partners in peacebuilding and become more confident in the process.

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How to Cite
Narkurairattana, P., & Awae, G. (2023). International Organizations’ Role on Peace Process and Some Perspectives on Southern Thailand’s Future. King Prajadhipok’s Institute Journal, 20(3), 117–133. Retrieved from
Research Articles



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