A Study of the Role of Civil Society in Strengthening Societal Security and Democracy Development Anti-Corruption and Social Governance Organizations

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Lertporn Udompong


The purpose of this research are to extract lessons learned, and propose appropriate guideline to develop the role and operation of civil society in order to enhance strong society and democratic development and also promoting good governance. Three major anti-corruption organizations that aim on anti-corruption mission and promote good governance over decades are selected. Firstly, Foundation for a Clean and Transparent Thailand. Secondly, People Network Against Corruption. Thirdly, Anti-Corruption Organization of Thailand. This research used qualitative methods. Data are gathered from an in-depth interview from 14 leaders and key stakeholders who worked in three organizations, a group discussion of 17 people who participated in the implementation of the organizations, and documented studies which analyze data with descriptive interpretations, content analysis and analytic induction.

            The results find two points; (1) the case studies have initially similar role and operation, recognizing the importance and problem of corruption. All of them focus to either stand up or fight against corruption with concrete form and have a strong corporate network’s form. On the operating stage, they clearly adhere to the objectives and work on the implementation as indicated, trying to act in keeping with the organization's goals and maintain the standardized organization by using the available resources. On the sustainability stage, they have common strength factors such as the role of neutrality in politics, the quality of recruitment to select leaders and board of the organization, maintaining the transparency’s process of the organization, and continuously expanding the network of engagement. The major problems are 1) lack of realization and interest in corruption which directly affects participation and lead to low engagement 2) limited resources, particularly, the qualified staff who are determined to work against corruption. (2) proposing appropriate guideline to develop role and operation as follows; 1) setting up the significantly common goal with being neutrality in politics 2) requiring a clear and continuous policy from government to support role and operation 3) providing certification to endorse status for network of anti-corruption and social governance organizations by government agencies, establishing budget supporting which sets apart from politics, and 4) continuous research and develop works on role and operation in order to improve the efficiency for stability and sustainability.

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How to Cite
Udompong, L. (2023). A Study of the Role of Civil Society in Strengthening Societal Security and Democracy Development: Anti-Corruption and Social Governance Organizations. King Prajadhipok’s Institute Journal, 21(1), 128–149. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/kpi_journal/article/view/259517
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