Gender Perspectives and the Missing Voices in LGBTIQ+ within the Peacebuilding Process in the Southern Border Provinces

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Wilasinie Sopapol
Taweeluck Pollachom


The UN's focus on gender issues in its peace and security agenda recognizes the vital role of women and gender perspectives in all conflict-handling phases. Similarly, Thailand's adoption of multiculturalism in its southern border regions as part of its national security strategy demonstrates its awareness of embracing different religions and cultures. This article illustrates the facets of gender diversity in the peacebuilding process within the southern border provinces. The study utilizes in-depth interviews and focus group discussions with gender-diverse groups in three southern border provinces, involving six participants. Additionally, it includes a review of relevant documents and news on gender diversity in the three southern border provinces. The findings highlight the sensitivity of gender diversity issues among the predominantly Malay-Muslim population of the region. The promotion of peacebuilding by gender-diverse groups encompasses various specific areas, such as the promotion and development of gender equality, mutual support and healing, and educational equity. However, the official engagement of gender-diverse groups in the peacebuilding process, particularly their involvement in peace and/or well-being dialogues and contributions to cultural policies implemented in the southern border provinces, remains drastically limited. It is important to note that the formal peacebuilding process continues to adhere to a binary gender framework, thus excluding the inclusion of gender-diverse groups.

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How to Cite
Sopapol, W., & Pollachom, T. . (2023). Gender Perspectives and the Missing Voices in LGBTIQ+ within the Peacebuilding Process in the Southern Border Provinces. King Prajadhipok’s Institute Journal, 21(2), 43–59. Retrieved from
Research Articles



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