Changing Approaches to Quality-of-Life Development for Older Persons in a Local Administrative Organization

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Sirima Thongsawang
Ampa Kaewkumkong
Wattanachai Kwalamthan


Thailand is an aged society, with at least 20 per cent of the population aged 60 or older. This development has affected government administration in national policy and local administrative organizations (LAOs). Therefore, with changes in population structure and socioeconomic changes affecting quality of life of older people, this article aims to 

1)  Studies factors affecting LAO development's approach to quality-of-life for older people.

2) Analyzing LAO's changes in promoting job opportunities and lifelong learning for older residents. 

Participatory action research was used to exchange knowledge with sectors relevant to LAO and older inhabitants in Nong Lan Subdistrict Municipality, Kanchanaburi Province, and Talad Mai Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Ang Thong Province. There were 54 participants. Data was collected from November 2022 to December 2023 and analyzed by Content analysis.

Results found that 1) factors contributing to LAO changing approaches occurred at macro and local levels, by different development agendas and goals from international organizations and relevant sectors relevant to the central governmental policies. In addition, social and technological has changed as well as experience, knowledge, and understanding, which impacts LAO information, and 2) LAO management's concept that is changing from a previous focus on quality-of-life development for older residents as dependents requiring care to a new concept as a significant national and community economic development force. A working pattern also evolved into a cooperative network. Meanwhile, a lifelong learning center, originally an agency established in response to LAO central policy, was developed to promote quality of life. Currently, LAO manages such schools under more diversified structures, with clear objectives in lifelong learning through knowledge transfer, career promotion, and boosting self-reliance through different community welfare by engaging with local dwellers and relevant agencies. This refers to proactive efforts corresponding more comprehensively to quality-of-life development for older residents.

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How to Cite
Thongsawang, S., Kaewkumkong, A., & Kwalamthan, W. (2024). Changing Approaches to Quality-of-Life Development for Older Persons in a Local Administrative Organization. King Prajadhipok’s Institute Journal, 22(1), 64–87. Retrieved from
Research Articles



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