Development of Educational Curriculum for Promoting Civic Engagement within a Democratic Regime under the Constitutional Monarchy of Uttaradit province

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Supattra Tantijariyapan
Yupin Tuansri
Uthai Lachua


         This article is part of the research findings on the topic of “Development of Education Curriculum for Promoting Civic Engagement within a Democratic Regime under the Constitutional Monarchy with Participation of the Local Networks to Formulate Policy Suggestion for Supporting Civic Development in Uttaradit Province” The research objectives include: 

1) To develop the educational curriculum to promote civic engagement within a democratic regime under the constitutional monarchy with the participation of the local networks; 

2) To examine and evaluate the outcomes of using the curriculum and 

3) To formulate policy suggestions for civic development within a democratic regime under the constitutional monarchy for people in Uttaradit province.

This research used a mixed-method approach. The qualitative component involves 45 informants, utilizing methods consist of in-depth interviews, focus group discussions, and a pilot curriculum. The data analysis included content analysis and deductive analysis. The quantitative comprised a population of 30 individuals. Data collection was conducted using a questionnaire with a 5-point Likert scale. Data analysis was carried out using inferential statistics, which included frequency, mean, and S.D. The research findings are summarized as follows: 

The research results according to the first objective found that the characteristics of citizens identified for curriculum development can be categorized into 6 groups:  1) Understanding of the Governance  2) Respect and Acceptance of Laws and Regulations in Society  3) Participation and Accountability  4) Understanding of the Monarch's role in a Democratic Constitutional Monarchy  5) Ethical Principles and 6) Other Characteristics, such as rationality. 

Regarding curriculum development, it was discovered that the curriculum is named “Civic Engagement Curriculum in a Democratic Constitutional Monarchy in Uttaradit Province”. The curriculum structure consists of a total of 96 hours (6 credits), organized into the following content groups: 1) Core Content; 2) Local Content; 

3) Specialized Content and 4) Project. 

The results of the second objective revealed that the overall average value of the curriculum usage is at the highest level. It is found that the aspects of learning outcomes and behaviors have the highest average value. The teaching methods, curriculum, structure, and content have comparatively lower average values among the three aspects.

The results of the third objective provided the following 4 suggestions: 1) Enhance knowledge, understanding, and awareness of citizenship within a democratic regime under the constitutional monarchy of Uttaradit province for the whole people in Uttaradit province through a citizenship educational curriculum. 2) Encourage to establishment of a credit bank system in collaboration with academic institutions to enhance lifelong learning. 3) Provide equal opportunities for all interested learners without any restrictions or conditions and 4) Develop a public policy from an educational curriculum for promoting civic engagement within a democratic regime under the constitutional monarchy of Uttaradit province.

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How to Cite
Tantijariyapan, S., Tuansri, Y., & Lachua, U. (2024). Development of Educational Curriculum for Promoting Civic Engagement within a Democratic Regime under the Constitutional Monarchy of Uttaradit province. King Prajadhipok’s Institute Journal, 22(1), 159–183. Retrieved from
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