The Impact of the Two-Ballot System on Political Parties in Ubon Ratchathani Province
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The imposition of the constituency ballot paper and party list ballot paper significantly had negative impacts on Pheu Thai Party and the positive ones on Move Forward Party. Meanwhile, other political parties such as United Thai Nation, Thai Sang Thai, Bhumjaithai, Democrat and Pheu Thai Ruampalang were not popular among the people in Ubon Ratchathani.
According to the statistical analysis of the election result, the liberal and pro-democracy pole includes the key parties of Pheu Thai (411,293 votes), Move Forward (320,831 votes), Pheu Thai Ruampalang (14,029 votes) and Thai Sang Thai (32,770 votes). In conclusion, in the party list ballot papers of Ubon Ratchathani, they received 778,869 which is 73% of the eligible voters who came to vote. (When the number of party list votes are calculated, Pheu Thai Party had 38%, Move Forward Party had 30% and in combination it is 68%.)
On the conservative side, the key parties include United Thai Nation Party (64,628 votes), Bhumjaithai Party (27,890 votes), Democrat Party (23,087 votes) and Palang Pracharath (9,397 votes). In conclusion, the total number of the votes on the party list ballot paper in Ubon Ratchathani is 125,002 votes which 12% of the eligible voters who came to vote.
With regards to negative aspects to Pheu Thai Party, the votes from its political bastion were taken over by Move Forward Party in the party list ballot paper. In this national election, most eligible voters in Ubon Ratchathani voted for Pheu Thai Party which is 38%. Move Forward Party ranked the second with the votes of 30%. The gap between the second and third is quite big. United Thai Nation Party received only 6% in the party list ballot paper. Although three candidates from Bhumjaithai Party were elected as an MP, the party only received 3% of the votes on the party list ballot paper. It is obvious that the voters do not have to vote for the party and the candidates in the same direction. This would facilitate vote-buying among the underdog political parties. The candidates emphasised that they would work for the people if they were elected. For the party list ballot paper, the voters could vote for whatever party they want. The result of National Election on 24 March 2019 with only single ballot paper illustrated that Pheu Thai Party had the highest number of MPs which was seven. Democrat Party had two and Palang Pracharath had one. In comparison with the National Election in 2011, Pheu Thai Party had seven MPs from the total number of eleven. Democrat Party had three and Chart Thai Pattana Party had one. (This has not included the result of the National Election in 2014 which was ruled as void by the Constitution Court)
Considering the positive aspects of Move Forward Party, although it had weaknesses in terms of the individual popularity of the candidates, it spent less time with the community compared with its opponents, it did not buy votes and was as a result defeated in the constituency, the eligible voters did vote for Move Forward Party in the party list ballot paper. Consequently, it ranks the second, after Pheu Thai Party for party listpolra.
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