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GuoLi Bian


Nowadays more and more enterprises cross organizational boundaries and adopt a service innovation model with multi-participators to achieve complementary and optimal allocation of innovation resources. Based on five types of multi-participators perspectives including consumers, suppliers, enterprise employees, competitors and intermediary service agencies, according to the adjustment mechanism of Relationship learning among organizations, we constructs a moderated mediation effect model of multi-participators, service innovation, knowledge co-creation, relationship learning and service innovation performance, and explores the internal effect mechanism of multi-participators in service innovation performance of platform enterprises. Taking the platform enterprises as the target of the investigation, the results show that 1) service innovation for the platform enterprise with multi-participators has a significant positive influence on the service innovation performance; 2) service innovation for the platform enterprise with multi-participators has a significant positive impact on knowledge co-creation. 3) relationship learning plays a moderating role in the parallel mediation of knowledge co-creation on the relationship between service innovation for the platform enterprise with multi-participators and the service innovation performance. Future research will  break the limitations of the industry, comprehensively explore the internal mechanism of multi-participators in service innovation.

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