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Mengyu Shi


The operation of social organizations in China is mainly project-based, and project managers need to allocate resources reasonably to drive project progress based on the urgency and importance of the projects while operating multiple projects simultaneously. However, project managers often find themselves in a passive situation where social organizations experience project delays or terminations due to their own overconfidence bias.

In view of this, this paper, based on a detailed interpretation of social organization project managers and the concept of overconfidence, constructs a theoretical framework for the impact mechanism of overconfidence of social organization project managers from the perspective of time management. At the same time, it uses research methods such as the Delphi method, questionnaire survey, and multiple linear regression to conduct a questionnaire survey of social organization project managers in five provinces of China, and uses this data as support for empirical testing. The main research conclusions are as follows: time pressure has a positive impact on the overconfidence of social organization project managers; project importance has a negative impact on the overconfidence of social organization project managers; the psychological processing structure plays an intermediary role in the relationship between time pressure, project importance, and overconfidence of managers; knowledge plays a U-shaped moderating role in the intermediary effect of time pressure and the psychological processing structure, and a linear moderating effect on the rational component of the intermediary effect of project importance and the psychological processing structure.

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