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The research objectives were structured into three phases. Phase 1 involved a study population of 150 undergraduate students and 3 lecturers from Guangxi Minzu University enrolled in the Innovation Training Course during the first semester of the 2024 academic year. Phase 2 included the involvement of three experts who evaluated and confirmed the suitability of the problem-based learning instructional model. In Phase 3, the sample group consisted of 50 students enrolled in the same course during the second semester of the academic year. Methodologically, the research utilized several instruments: 1) questionnaires for students and interviews for lecturers, 2) a conformity assessment form to validate the instructional model, 3) lesson plans developed using the problem-based learning approach, and 4) a scoring rubric to assess critical thinking abilities. Data analysis involved statistical methods such as percentage calculations, mean values, and standard deviations.
The research findings indicated that undergraduate students' critical thinking ability is influenced by internal and external factors. Internal factors include positive emotions, learning behaviors, teaching behaviors, attitudes, and physical health of both students and lecturers. External factors encompass teaching methods, materials, and classroom environments.
Additionally, a problem-based learning instructional model was developed and evaluated by three experts, achieving a 100% consensus on its utility, feasibility, propriety, and accuracy. The model consists of five components: 1) Principles and rationale derived from the study of course content and students' critical thinking abilities; 2) Objectives based on research goals; 3) Course content structured to facilitate experimentation; 4) Teaching methods and materials aligned with problem-based learning; and 5) Evaluation through a scoring rubric assessing undergraduate students' critical thinking abilities.
Article Details
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