Factors Affecting Cumulative Grade Point Average of Student Teachers


  • Somprasong Senarat มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏร้อยเอ็ด
  • Benjamaporn Senarat
  • Pisit Pinitsakul


student teachers, cumulative grad point, multiple regression analysis


            The purposes of this research were 1) examine relationship between factor variables and cumulative grade point average of student teachers 2) explore factors affecting cumulative grade point average of student teachers, and 3) create predictive equation for cumulative grade point average of student teachers. Data was collected in academic year 2019 from 600 student teachers in Faculty of Education in Rajabhat Universities of Northeastern Thailand who were in the fourth year. Two-stage random sampling was employed for sampling method. Research instrument was questionnaire which was verified for content validity by experts.  Data was analyzed in R statistical program with jmv package for mean scores, standard deviation, correlation, and multiple regressions analysis.

            The research findings were as follows:

  1. Correlation coefficient within factor variables and between variables on grade point average of student teachers were positively related.
  2. Factors that showed loadings on cumulative grade point average of student teachers were; cumulative grade point average in high school; emotional quotient; self-discipline and attitudes toward teachers' careers. These factors coordinately explained the variance of cumulative grade point average of student teachers at 77.25%.
  3. It could be created predictive equation as raw scores and standard scores respectively as follows:

       gif.latex?{Y}' = -0.362 + 0.731X1 + 0.106X2 + 0.098X3 + 0.074X4

       Zgif.latex?{y}' = 0.678ZX1 + 0.132ZX2 + 0.126ZX3 + 0.094ZX4



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How to Cite

Senarat, S., Benjamaporn Senarat, & Pisit Pinitsakul. (2020). Factors Affecting Cumulative Grade Point Average of Student Teachers. Ubon Ratchathani Journal of Research and Evaluation, 9(2), 119–129. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ubonreseva/article/view/243521



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