The Operative Development of Analytic Reading Based on KWL-Plus Technique Used in Thai Unit for Prathom Suksa Four Students of Ban Pao School under the Jurisdiction of Ubon Ratchathani Primary Educational Service Area 1


  • กัญทิมา บุญเฉลียว
  • นพดล จันทร์เพ็ญ


ปฏิบัติการพัฒนาการอ่านเชิงวิเคราะห์ โดยใช้เทคนิค KWL – Plus,การอ่านเชิงวิเคราะห์,ภาษาไทย


The research aimed to study the operative development of analytic reading based on the technique KWL-Plus  and  the result of the development of an analytic reading based on the same technique for Prathom Suksa 4 students of Ban Pao School under the jurisdiction of Ubon Ratchathani Primary Educational Service Area 1 before and after the operation.

The samples in the research were 17 Prathom Suksa 4 (grade four) students enrolled in the first semester of the school year 2012.  The research instruments were divided into two types: one was the instrument for the operation, that is, 24 KWL-plus based lesson plans and the other was the instrument used to gather data including the record format for the learning behavior, the record format for the teacher’s teaching behavior, interviews, daily record format,  the lesson end exercises,  the circle end learning achievement, achievement test, and  analytic reading. 

The techniques of the operation research consisted of three circles which were used to gather data. The researcher had conducted the achievement test of analytic reading, observed the reading operation through KWL-Plus based learning process, and learning behavior.  Data derived from each circle were validated, interpreted and summarized so that improvement could be made in further operation.  Qualitative data were validated and presented in a descriptive manner. Quantitative data were analyzed by using basic statistics and Nonparametric.

The research findings were as follows:

  1. The research had developed an analytic reading based on the technique known KWL-Plus. The process consisted of a pre-reading activity called K (what we know),  a while learning activity called W (what we want to find out), a post-reading activity called L (what we have learned) and mapping.  To learn about an analytic reading, students were divided into small groups for each plan; slow, moderate and fast learners were mixed. Each group was cooperative in studying and analyzed data as per the learning steps and summarized the results each group found.  It was found that the learning process based on KWL-Plus contributed to the development of reading and analytic thinking, and encouraged the students to ask and seek the answers from what they had read.  They were trained to systematize knowledge data and their relations from what they read by making a mapping.  They developed the aim in reading and could utilize the analytic reading process to their daily life. Besides, their reading achievement improved.
  2. As regards the results of the operation, it was found that the students had 82.21 % of a reading achievement on average. 80% of them had passed the  Considering the pre-and post-learning test, it was found that their learning achievement after the learning operation was higher than before learning at a statistical significance of .01.


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How to Cite

บุญเฉลียว ก., & จันทร์เพ็ญ น. (2021). The Operative Development of Analytic Reading Based on KWL-Plus Technique Used in Thai Unit for Prathom Suksa Four Students of Ban Pao School under the Jurisdiction of Ubon Ratchathani Primary Educational Service Area 1. Ubon Ratchathani Journal of Research and Evaluation, 1(1), 18–26. retrieved from