Development of the Mathematic Skills through the Cooperative Learning Activities by Using STAD Technique of Grade Mathayam Suksa1 of Ban Nong Tao School under Ubon Ratchathani Primary Educational Service Area Office 4


  • มุฑิตา เหล่าบุตรสา
  • ธีรวุฒิ เอกะกุล


การจัดกิจกรรมการเรียนรู้แบบร่วมมือ เทคนิค STAD, การวิจัยปฏิบัติการ, ทักษะการแก้ปัญหาทางคณิตศาสตร์, ความสามารถในการแก้ปัญหาทางคณิตศาสตร์


The objectives of the research were to develop the mathematic skills through the cooperative learning activities by STAD technique and compare the results of the mathematic skill development through the cooperative learning activities called STAD technique.   

The target group was 25 Mattayom Suksa 1 (Grade Seven) students of Ban Nongtao School in Samrong district under Ubon Ratchathani Primary Educational Service Area Office 4.  The students in study were derived by specific sampling.

The research instrument was divided into two categories: (1) the experimental instrument : 13 lesson plans for learning mathematics based on cooperative learning patterns; (2) the instruments used to collect data were supplementary exercises for mathematic skills;  tests of mathematic learning achievements whose difficulty value ranged from .20 - .77, discrimination value ranged from .20 - .86 and reliability value was equal to .94;  observation of a working behavior of students; observation pattern for teachers and students; a daily record form of a researcher teacher; students’ learning records; and interview format.  Data were qualitatively analyzed. Data acquired were interpreted, summarized, examined for validity and reported in description.  Quantitative data were analyzed in terms of mean, percentage, and standard deviation.


  The research findings were as follows:

  1. The development of the mathematic skills through the cooperative learning enhancing activity known as STAD could improve the mathematic skills according to the five set criteria.
  2. As regards the outcome of mathematic skill development through the cooperative

learning activity known as STAD for Mattayom Suksa 1 (Grade Seven), it was found that the students secured 76.33% of the total scores, and 84 of all students passed the set criterion. Upon the completion of the operation, they had improved their mathematic solving skills.


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How to Cite

เหล่าบุตรสา ม., & เอกะกุล ธ. (2021). Development of the Mathematic Skills through the Cooperative Learning Activities by Using STAD Technique of Grade Mathayam Suksa1 of Ban Nong Tao School under Ubon Ratchathani Primary Educational Service Area Office 4. Ubon Ratchathani Journal of Research and Evaluation, 1(1), 66–73. Retrieved from