Development of Supervision Model On Student Teaching Courses For Bachelor Degree of Education Rajabhat University


  • มาลีรัตน์ ขจิตเนติธรรม
  • ต่าย เซี่ยงฉี


: การพัฒนา รูปแบบการนิเทศการฝึกประสบการณ์วิชาชีพครู หลักสูตรครุศาสตรบัณฑิต


The objectives of the research were to develop the supervision model on the student teaching course for the bachelor degree of education and to study the results of the supervision model on the students’ teaching course of Rajabhat Universities. The research methodology was divided into two stages: the first stage was concerned with the development of the supervision model on the students’ teaching course and the second stage was concerned with the results of the supervision model on the students’ teaching courses for the bachelor degree of education of Rajabhat Universities. The populations and samples in the study were (1) the population used in synthesizing the components, indicators, sub-indicators and the guidelines consisted of the following: (1.1) seventy-three handbooks and documents for the supervision on the student teaching of 38 Rajabhat Universities and (1.2) 74 relevant documents and researches;  (2) the samples used in inspecting the supervision model included (2.1) the committee in charge of the student teaching course, (2.2) the university supervisors, (2.3) the guardian or supporting teachers, and (2.4) the administrators of four universities; (3) the samples used in the supervision quality evaluation were 111 university supervisors, guardian teachers, administrators and students of Sisaket Rajabhat University; (4) the populations used in the study of the results of the supervision model were 500 committees in charge of the student teaching course, university supervisors, guardian or supporting teachers, administrators and students of the Faculty of Education of Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University.

The research findings were as follows:

  1. The results of the development of the teaching courses were the following :

1.1  The supervision model on the students’ teaching courses was composed of 5 components, 19 indicators, 58 sub-indicators, and 255 guidelines used to achieve the mentioned sub-indicators.

1.2  The results of the supervision model evaluation showed that five components of the model were practicable. Procedures and steps were also practicable. Given acquired benefits, the students under study had learned from the teaching course. Practicality and gained benefits were at a highest level.

1.3  As for the examination of the quality of the supervision instruments and evaluation in the 5th component, it was found that (1) as regards the supervision record model for the students, all students could correctly record the supervision information; (2) as for the model of the supervision and evaluation of the teaching behavior for the university supervisors and the guardian teachers, it was found that the value of Rater Agreement Index (RAI) was equivalent to .9120; (3) concerning the supervision model and evaluation of the traits of teachers and conduct for the supervisors, the guardian teachers and the administrators, it was found that the value of Rater Agreement Index (RAI) was equivalent to .9151; (4) Regarding the evaluation of the results of the out-of- classroom performance, it was found that the students could correctly document the assigned tasks as advised, and the guardian teachers could correctly evaluate and give the scores of the performance as per the principles of Rubrics.

  1. Considering the results of utilization of the teaching supervision model, the following were found:

2.1  The results of the five components, that is, administration, personnel concerned with the supervision of the teaching professional training, the supervision contents, the supervision model, and the supervision instrument and evaluation, were at the high to highest level in terms of an appropriateness with the real events, a suitability with the set objectives and the obtained benefits.

2.2  With the results of the performance-based score validity considered, the following were found: 1) Considering the congruence of the scores given by the raters, (1.1) the university supervisors and the guardian teachers gave the positively congruent scores with the Spearman rank correlation coefficient equivalent to .4432 with a statistical significance of .01; (1.2) in respect of the teacher traits and the code of conduct, the university supervisors, the guardian teachers and the school administrators gave the positively congruent evaluation scores with the Kendall rank correlation coefficient equivalent to .1717 with a statistical significance of .01. (2) Considering the results of examination of the teaching performance-based scores and the average group scores of the students, it was found that the scores were positively related and the value of the coefficient of contingency was equivalent to .2561 with a statistical significance of .01.


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How to Cite

ขจิตเนติธรรม ม., & เซี่ยงฉี ต. (2021). Development of Supervision Model On Student Teaching Courses For Bachelor Degree of Education Rajabhat University. Ubon Ratchathani Journal of Research and Evaluation, 1(1), 155–165. Retrieved from