Design of the Classroom Assessment and Evaluation Instrument in the Occupation and Technology Unit for Prathom Suksa 6 (Grade six)


  • สุพัตรา มาพงษ์
  • เสนอ ภิรมจิตรผ่อง




The objectives of the research were to design the instrument to evaluate the classroom performance and to examine the quality of the instrument in question in the occupation and technology unit  for Prathom Suksa six (Grade six).  The target groups were 47 Prathom Suksa six students enrolled in the first semester of the academic year 2011 and three teachers teaching the occupation and technology unit in the same semester. The groups in the research were derived by a purposive sampling.

The instruments designed by the researcher were the tests on cognition, the formats to evaluate the performance skills,  and the formats on the observation of the expressive behavior in learning.  Statistics used in data analysis included mean, standard deviation. Statistics used in finding the instrument quality were the value of the index of congruence (IOC), the value of RAI, Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient, difficulty value and discrimination value.

The research findings were as follows:

  1. 1. Three measuring instruments were gained:

1.1   The tests on cognition had the value of index of congruence between 0.80-1.00, of difficulty (Po) between 0.42-0.83, of discrimination between 0.20-0.83, of the confidence

( ) 0.84, of mean at 37.76 and of the standard deviation equivalent to 11.30.

1.2   The performance skill assessment format consisted of:

1.2.1   On food preparing the value of the index of congruence between the objectives and the designated (IOC) was between 0.80 -1.00, of the index of congruence between the set scores and the scoring was between 0.80 -1.00.

1.2.2   On making the installation of the key chain peg the value of the index of congruence between the behavioral objectives and the assigned work (IOC) was between 0.80 – 1.00,  of the index of congruence between the set scores and the scoring details was between 0.80 – 1.00.

1.2.3   On the invention of the appliances and the decorative items the value of index of congruence was 0.80 – 1.00, of the index of congruence between the set scores and the scoring details was between 0.80 – 1.00.

1.3   The model of the learning behavior was of three types: responsibility, interest, and group work.  Its value of the index of congruence between the behavior and the learners’ characteristics was equivalent to 1.00.  Two evaluators’ congruence value was equivalent to 1.00.

The handbook in the study as used by the three teachers in the instruction produced the following results.

  1. 1. On a handbook, it was found that it explained the patterns and objectives of the design as per the ideas and concepts of the standard criteria.
  2. 2. On the application it was found that the experimenters took time to study in order to understand the steps in a designing process.
  3. 3. On the benefits it was found that the experimenters knew how to construct and develop the evaluation instrument according to the principles of assessment anode evaluation.


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How to Cite

มาพงษ์ ส., & ภิรมจิตรผ่อง เ. (2021). Design of the Classroom Assessment and Evaluation Instrument in the Occupation and Technology Unit for Prathom Suksa 6 (Grade six). Ubon Ratchathani Journal of Research and Evaluation, 2(1), 44–52. retrieved from