The Development of Database System Information for Educational Quality Assurance in Primary School Under Office of Sisaket Primary Education Service Area 1


  • ทนงศักดิ์ พรมแพง
  • ชวนชัย เชื้อสาธุชน


การประกันคุณภาพภายใน, ระบบจัดการฐานข้อมูล, สารสนเทศ


The research aimed to study the needs of the information management system for the internal quality assurance in the schools, to develop the database management system and to evaluate the database management system for the internal quality assurance.  The research methods were divided into three stages: stage one studied the needs for the database management system in the schools.  The informants were 20 teachers responsible for the quality assurance system in the schools. The research instrument was the questionnaire.  Data were analyzed by frequency and percentage.  Stage two was the development of the information management system for the internal quality assurance.  The informants were 7 experts in the internal quality assurance and information system assessment.  The instruments were the evaluation and examination checklists.  Data were analyzed by mean and standard deviation. Stage three was the evaluation of the information database management system in the schools.  The informants were 29 teachers derived by a purposive sampling.  The instrument was the questionnaire.  Data were analyzed by mean and standard deviation. 

The research findings were as follows:

Those responsible for the internal quality assurance in the schools wanted a system which could keep data in form of documents, photos and video.  The information to be kept was standard, indicators, projects, achievements and quality of the indicators. The database management system developed was an applied program able to function in the intranet and the Internet.  It was secure.  Users could keep and retrieve the data.  They could record, correct data/ project/activities according to the indicators.  Documents could be kept in the form of PDF.  Video could be recorded in MP4.  Data could  be processed. Scores could be evaluated.

The evaluation of the data management system in the internal quality assurance in terms of administration, the working of the system, and satisfaction was at a good level.


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How to Cite

พรมแพง ท., & เชื้อสาธุชน ช. (2021). The Development of Database System Information for Educational Quality Assurance in Primary School Under Office of Sisaket Primary Education Service Area 1. Ubon Ratchathani Journal of Research and Evaluation, 2(2), 27–35. Retrieved from