A Synthesis of Graduate Theses in the Educational Research and Evaluation Programs at Universities in Thailand


  • นวลละออง สุดาศักดิ์
  • ชวนชัย เชื้อสาธุชน
  • เชาวน์ประภา เชื้อสาธุชน


Research Synthesis, Graduate Theses in the Educational Research and Evaluation Programs


The purposes of this research was to synthesize the theses at the graduate level in educational research and evaluation at universities in Thailand publiushed in 2005-2010. The total number of the theses used in teristics the study were 420. 

The research findings were as follows:

  1. The theses used for the synthesis showed the following characteristics: published mostly in 2009 with the copyright belonging to Ubon Ratchthani Rajabhat University, investigated the relationship among various variables, and using students as the samples.  
  2. The results of a deductive synthesis found that the studies that investigated the relationship between motivation for achievement and learning achievement, and the attitude towards the subjects and the learning achievement were at a moderate level.
  3. The results of the studies which could not be synthesized deductively were concluded that the mostly: diagnostic test, ethics instruments, performance test, action research, correlation research, measurement evaluation, and experimental research


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How to Cite

สุดาศักดิ์ น. ., เชื้อสาธุชน ช. . ., & เชื้อสาธุชน เ. . (2021). A Synthesis of Graduate Theses in the Educational Research and Evaluation Programs at Universities in Thailand. Ubon Ratchathani Journal of Research and Evaluation, 4(1), 33–40. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ubonreseva/article/view/250961