The Development of the Group Dynamic Activities of Mathematics on the Parallel for Matthayom Suksa Two Students


  • ระฑิยา อังคุระษี
  • ชาญชัย สุกใส
  • พีระพล ศิริวงศ์


Group Dynamic Activities, Retention, Satisfaction


The purposes of this research were 1) to develop the group dynamic activities in mathematics on the parallel for Mattayom Suksa two students according to the 80/80 criterion, 2) to compare the students’ learning achievement before and after learning in question, 3) to examine the learning retention following the students’ learning through the group dynamic activities, and 4) to investigate the student’ satisfaction following their learning through the group dynamic activities. The samples used in the research were 34 Mattayom Suksa two students of Sirinthornvidayanusorn School in the second semester of the academic year 2013. They were derived by a cluster random sampling. Statistics used in data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation, and t-test.

The research findings were as follow:

  1. The efficiency of the group dynamic activities in mathematics on the parallel for Mattayom Suksa two students was equal to 89.35/81.98.
  2. The learning achievement of the students was higher than before at the statistical significance of .05.
  3. Two weeks after using the group dynamic activities, students’ memory retention notably depleted at the statistical significance of .05.
  4. Satisfaction of students who learned by the process activities was overall at a high level.


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How to Cite

อังคุระษี ร. . ., สุกใส ช. . ., & ศิริวงศ์ พ. . (2021). The Development of the Group Dynamic Activities of Mathematics on the Parallel for Matthayom Suksa Two Students. Ubon Ratchathani Journal of Research and Evaluation, 4(1), 88–95. Retrieved from