A Development of Thai Verse Writing Called Khlong Si Supharb Using CIPPA Model for Mathayom Suksa 3 Students, Namyuen wittaya School, Secondary Educational Service Area Office 29


  • ยุพาพร ธรรมจารึก
  • ธีรวุฒิ เอกะกุล


Thai Verse Writing Called Khlong Si Supharb, Academic Achievement, CIPPA Model, Action Research


The purposes of this study were to : (1) deveop students’ learning acievement on writing Thai verse called Khlong Si Supharb, (2) compare the students’ academic achievement before and after learning, and (3) compare students’ learning achievement learned by the CIPPA Model  with a regular teaching method.  The samples were the experimental group using 35 students, and the control group using 35  students Mathayom Suksa 3 students from Namyuenwithaya school  in the second semester academic year 2014, selected by cluster random sampling.  The research instruments were nine lesson plans using CIPPA Model and nine lesson plans using regular method of teaching; achievement test,  end-of-cycle test, observation  form  on teacher’s  teaching behaviors,  observation form on students’ learning behaviors, student interviewing form, and the teacher log book. The statistical procedures were mean, standard deviation, and t-test.

The research findings were as follows:

  1. The deveopment of academic acievement using the CIPPA Model improved the students’ learning achievement.
  2. It was found that the students’ academic achievement after learning were higher than before learning with statistical significance at the critical level .05.
  3. The students learned by using the CIPPA Model had higher learning achievement than those using the regular method of teaching with statistical significance at the critical level .05.



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How to Cite

ธรรมจารึก ย. ., & เอกะกุล ธ. (2021). A Development of Thai Verse Writing Called Khlong Si Supharb Using CIPPA Model for Mathayom Suksa 3 Students, Namyuen wittaya School, Secondary Educational Service Area Office 29. Ubon Ratchathani Journal of Research and Evaluation, 4(2), 44–52. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ubonreseva/article/view/250985