The Development of Mathematics Instruction Package : Real Number for Mathayom Suksa 4


  • อุไรวรรณ มวลสุข
  • ชาญชัย สุกใส
  • ประสาร ไชยณรงค์


Instruction Package, Mathematics, Real Number


The purposes of this research were (1) to develop a mathematics instruction package to meet the criteria of 80/80, (2) to compare the learning achievement before and after using by the instruction package, and (3) to study the satisfaction on through  learning mathematics instruction package. The samples were 45 Mathayom Suksa 4/1 pupils studying at Khuang Nai Pittayakan School, Ubon Ratchathani Province, in the 2nd academic year 2013. They were selected by cluster random sampling. The instruments consisted of (1) mathematics instruction package, (2) the achievement test: with multiple choices; the test had the difficulty value ranging from 0.36 to 0.77, discrimination value ranging from 0.36 to 0.73, and the reliability value was 0.89, (3) the lesson plan of the mathematics learning group, and (4) the questionnaire on satisfaction of students. The data were analyzed by using percentage, mean, standard deviation, and t-test for dependent sample.      

            The research findings were as follows :

  1. The efficiency of Mathematics Instruction Package: Real Number for Mathayom Suksa 4 was 84.07/82.96.
  2. The learning achievement of students after using the mathematics instruction package was statistically higher than that before using mathematics instruction package at the .05 level.
  3. The students satisfaction towards the learning mathematics instruction package was in the highest level. (= 4.53, S = 0.64).


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How to Cite

มวลสุข อ., สุกใส . ช. ., & ไชยณรงค์ ป. (2021). The Development of Mathematics Instruction Package : Real Number for Mathayom Suksa 4. Ubon Ratchathani Journal of Research and Evaluation, 4(2), 105–114. Retrieved from