Factors Effecting Science Achievement of Mathayom Suksa 3 Students in Elementary Schools Ubon Ratchathani Primary Educational Service Area Office 1


  • สุภาพร น้อยแก้ว
  • ชวนชัย เชื้อสาธุชน
  • เชาวน์ประภา เชื้อสาธุชน


Causal Factors, Science Learning Achievement


The purpose of this research was to study causal factors that affect the Science learning achievement of Mattayom Suksa 3 students. The sample group consisted of 339 Mattayom Suksa 3 students at schools attached to Ubon Ratchathani Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 selected by means of the stratified random sampling. The research instruments were three tests: a Science learning achievement test, Science foundation knowledge test, and an aptitude test. Four questionnaires were constructed to test the attitude towards Science subject, learning attention, motivation for achievement, and parental support for learning. The statistical procedures employed in the data analysis included path.

            The research findings were as follows:

  1. The causal factors were found to affect the Science learning achievement.
  2. The factors that directly and indirectly affected the Science learning achievement were foundation knowledge and attitude towards Science. The factor of motivation for achievement had indirect effect on the Science learning achievement through the factor of attitude towards Science and the factor of learning attention. The factor of parental learning support had indirect effect on the Science learning achievement through the factors of attitude towards Science, learning attention, motivation for achievement, and foundation knowledge. The factor of learning aptitude had direct effect on the Science learning achievement and indirect effect through the factor of foundation knowledge.


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How to Cite

น้อยแก้ว ส. ., เชื้อสาธุชน ช. ., & เชื้อสาธุชน เ. . (2021). Factors Effecting Science Achievement of Mathayom Suksa 3 Students in Elementary Schools Ubon Ratchathani Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. Ubon Ratchathani Journal of Research and Evaluation, 5(1), 106–115. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ubonreseva/article/view/251004