Development of a Training Package on Construction of Thai Value Assessment Instruments


  • วรรณ์ดี แสงประทีปทอง


ชุดฝึกอบรม, การสร้างเครื่องมือวัด, ค่านิยม


The purposes of this research were to develop a training package on construction of Thai Values assessment instruments, and to evaluate results of using the developed training package. In the research process, the researcher developed a training package comprising the training packages and a manual for the training package to be used in the training by the resource persons. The employed research instruments were a training package on construction of Thai values assessment instruments, a test of trainee’s knowledge and understanding of the construction of Thai values assessment instruments, an evaluation scale on trainee’s ability to construct Thai values assessment instruments, and a questionnaire on trainee’s satisfaction with the training package. Statistics employed for data analysis were the frequency, percentage, mean, effect size index, and content analysis.  

The research findings were as follows:

  1. The developed training package comprised of the training packages and a manual. The developed training package was found to be appropriate at the highest level in all components including contents, presentation of contents, and application.
  2. Regarding results of using the training package, it was found that (1) the trainee’s knowledge of the topic increased at the high level (the effect size index = 1.32); (2) the trainees had ability to construct Thai values assessment instruments as shown by their post-training ability mean score of 89 per cent; and (3) the trainees’ overall satisfaction with the training package was at the highest level.


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How to Cite

แสงประทีปทอง ว. (2021). Development of a Training Package on Construction of Thai Value Assessment Instruments. Ubon Ratchathani Journal of Research and Evaluation, 6(1), 1–10. retrieved from