Consistency between Research Synthesized Characteristics of Students and Graduates in Higher Education and Synthesized Model of Thai Characteristics according to King Bhumibol Adulyadej’s Taxonomies
Synthesis, Characteristics of Graduates, Synthesized Model on Thai CharacteristicsAbstract
The purposes of this research were 1) to study the quantity of research reports in student and graduated characteristics at high education, and 2) to analyze the consistency between research synthesized characteristics and synthesized model on Thai characteristics according to King Bhumibol Adulyadej’s taxonomies; the story of Pra Mahachanaka, the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy and the Co-Operation practice. The research population was 44 research reports from 22 organizations. All were published between 1994 and 2011 in ThaiLIS database. The data were collected via the adapted Research Evaluation Form (REF) and the constructed Research Checklist Form (RCF), and then analyzed by content analysis technique. The statistic indexes; frequency (f), percentage (%), mode (Mo), mean ( ), and standard deviation (SD) were applied to data analysis.
The research findings were as follows:
- The key observations from research report synthesis were as follows; 15.19% from KU and CMU,64% in education field, 81.82% on Master’s Degree requirements for graduation, 43.18% published within 7 years and 8 -14 years. The dominant research objectives and methods were as follows; 90.91 were conducted on characteristic analysis and evaluation, 97.73% employed descriptive research methodology, 93.18 defined characteristics according to educational taxonomies, organizational planning, policies, focuses and curriculums, 29.54% were from government universities, 68.10% related to Bachelor Degree characteristics, 56.82% used a probability random sampling method, 93.18% used rating scale as a data collection tool, 90.91 employed descriptive statistics for data analysis. All the reports met the minimum requirements.
- The research synthesized characteristics were consistent with the model synthesized characteristics, which were developed in accordance with King Bhumibol Adulyadej’s Taxonomies, at 82.77%. For the three research associated characteristics with low frequency, the “moderation” ranked the lowest at 23.18%. The other two consecutively low frequency characteristics were “adhere to righteous thinking and act reasonably” at 47.73% and “complete physical heath” at 91% respectively.
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