Conditions and Needs in Developing Competency of the Science Teachers in Border Patrol Police Schools, Border Patrol Police Sub-Division 22


  • Maleerat Kajitnatitham


การพัฒนา, สมรรถภาพครูวิทยาศาสตร์, โรงเรียนตำรวจตระเวนชายแดน


This research was considered survey research.  It was conducted based on the objectives which were (1) to explore conditions and needs in developing science teachers’ competency and (2) to compare the authentic condition of the science teachers’ competency with the needs in developing the science teachers’ competency in Border Patrol Police Schools affiliated with Border Patrol Police Sub-division 22.  The population was 59 science teachers from 12 Border Patrol Police Schools affiliated with Border Patrol Police Sub-Division 22.  The research tools were the questionnaires. The Reliability of the first questionnaire is 0.93. The Second is 0.85.  These indicated at the highest level and were appropriate for data collection.  The data were analyzed to identify the frequency, percentage, population mean, standard deviation, and content analysis.  

The findings research were as follows:

  1. The authentic condition of science teachers’ competency based on their opinions toward themselves in an overall picture of eight aspects was at a low level. Except the science teacher competency in terms of the nature of science subject and technology was at a medium level.  As for the other seven aspects, however, they were at a low level.  In terms of the needs in developing the science teachers’ competency based on their opinions toward themselves in an overall picture of eight aspects was at a high level.  The need in developing science teaching skills was at the highest level, while that of the other seven aspects was at a high level.  The needs in developing science teachers’ competency could be ranked from high to low as follows: science teaching skills, scientific process skills, and tool and equipment utilization skills in a science laboratory and science laboratory arrangement and utilization respectively.
  2. The mean of the science teachers’ opinions toward the needs in developing the science teachers was higher than that of the science teachers’ opinions toward the authentic condition of science teachers’ competency at 40.80 percent.


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How to Cite

Kajitnatitham, M. (2021). Conditions and Needs in Developing Competency of the Science Teachers in Border Patrol Police Schools, Border Patrol Police Sub-Division 22. Ubon Ratchathani Journal of Research and Evaluation, 6(1), 49–58. Retrieved from