The Development of Spelling Skill Through Cooperative Learning Process of Prathom Suksa Three Students at Ban Nakrasang School, Ubon Ratchathani Primary Educational Service Area Office 5


  • Suphinya Lekphet
  • Saner Piromjitpong
  • Sunthorn Worahan


การพัฒนาทักษะการเขียนสะกดคำ, กระบวนการเรียนรู้แบบร่วมมือ


The purposes of this research were 1) to develop spelling skill of Prathom Suksa Three students using cooperative learning process, 2) to compare the spelling skill before and after using the cooperative learning process, and 3) to examine the students’ satisfaction on the use of cooperative learning process to develop spelling skill. The subjects of this study were 30 Prathomsuksa Three students at Ban Nakrasaeng School in the first semester of the academic year 2016.  The research instruments included 12 spelling practice packages, 12 lesson plans, a thirty-item achievement test with the reliability value at 0.83, tests at the end of each teaching cycle, a teacher journal keeping form, an interviewing form, an observation form, and a questionnaire to assess the students’ satisfaction.  The data were analyzed using percentage, mean, and standard deviation.  The research findings were as follows:

  1. The process of cooperative learning for the development of spelling skill consisted of five components namely 1) preparation, 2) organization of learning activities, 3) exchange of what was learned among groups, 4) learning outcome checking, and 5) conclusion of what was learned and evaluation of group performance. After the process of cooperative learning, the students were able to earn the average score of 87.44 on the achievement test with 83.88 percent of the students passing the test, which was higher than the established criteria.
  2. The students’ average score after the cooperative learning process was found to be higher than that before the learning process.
  3. The students’ satisfaction on the cooperative learning process was found to be at the highest level.


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How to Cite

Lekphet, S., Piromjitpong, S., & Worahan, S. (2021). The Development of Spelling Skill Through Cooperative Learning Process of Prathom Suksa Three Students at Ban Nakrasang School, Ubon Ratchathani Primary Educational Service Area Office 5. Ubon Ratchathani Journal of Research and Evaluation, 6(1), 77–86. Retrieved from