An Operation on Development of Proactive Learning for Developing Learning Retention on “Photosynthesis” of Matthayom Suksa 5 Students at Nachaluay School under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 29


  • Wannapa Saimat
  • Theerawut Akakul
  • Jumlong Vongprasert


Proactive Learning Management, Learning Retention


The purposes of this study were to: (1) develop proactive learning management in biology; (2) compare the learning achievement after learning with the criterion; (3) compare the learning achievement before and after learning; and (4) compare learning retention by proactive learning and by the teacher’s manual with the criterion of not less than 80%. The samples were 60 Mathayom Suksa 5 students selected by cluster random sampling. The instruments were: (1) learning plans, (2) test,
(3) an achievement test, (4) an observation  form, and (5) a student’s interview form. The statistics were percentage, mean, standard deviation, and t-test.

The research findings were as follows:

  1. The operation on developing the proactive learning in biology had three spiral cycles with three stages: (1) Planning (2) Operation and Observation, and (3) Reaction. Each cycle consisted
    of these activities: (1) checking prior knowledge, (2) encouragement, (3) surveying, (4) explaining, (5) expanding knowledge, (6) evaluation, and (7) application.
  2. The students taught by proactive learning management had significantly higher scores after the operation than before the operation at the critical level .01. The  post-test scores of the students taught by proactive learning management were significantly higher than those taught by the teacher’s manual at the critical level .01.
  3. The students taught by the proactive learning management had significantly higher learning retention than those taught by the teacher’s manual at the critical level .01.


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How to Cite

Saimat, W., Akakul, T. ., & Vongprasert, J. . (2021). An Operation on Development of Proactive Learning for Developing Learning Retention on “Photosynthesis” of Matthayom Suksa 5 Students at Nachaluay School under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 29. Ubon Ratchathani Journal of Research and Evaluation, 6(2), 11–20. Retrieved from