The Development of Mathematics Criterion-Referenced Test on the Surface Area and Volume for Matthayom Suksa 3 Students


  • Wattana Seenasun
  • Parichat Ruttanaraj
  • Saner Piromjitpong


Test Development, Criterion-Referenced Test, Cutting Point Scores


The purposes of the research were : 1) to construct and develop a criterion-referenced test 2) to validate the criterion referenced test 3) to determine the cutting point scores of the criterion-referenced test in mathematics on the surface and volume for Matthayom Suksa 3 students. Samples used in the research were 741 Matthayom Suksa 3 students.  The instruments  constructed were six sets of criterion-referenced tests, a 4 choices of 100 items. The tests were validated for three try-outs. The first and second try-outs were to verify the discrimination and the third try-out was to verify construct validity, reliability, and cutting point scores. Statistical analysis included average, standard deviation, discrimination power, content validity, construct validity, reliability, and cutting point scores.

            The research findings were as follows:

  1. The mathematics criterion-referenced tests on the surface area and volume consisted of six sets with a total of 100 items. Set one was on the surface and volume of prism, set two was on the surface and volume of a cylinder, set three was on the surface and volume of pyramid, set four was on the surface and volume of cone, set five was on the surface and volume of sphere, and set six was on problem solving on surface and volume.
  2. The mathematics criterion-referenced test developed indicated the discrimination in the range of 0.43-0.72, the construct validity in the range of 0.85-0.96, and the reliability in the range of 0.65-0.79.
  3. The cutting point scores of the mathematics criterion-referenced test developed were 8-14 points with 57.14-60.86 percent.


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How to Cite

Seenasun, W. ., Ruttanaraj, P. ., & Piromjitpong, . S. . (2021). The Development of Mathematics Criterion-Referenced Test on the Surface Area and Volume for Matthayom Suksa 3 Students. Ubon Ratchathani Journal of Research and Evaluation, 6(2), 51–60. Retrieved from