An Assessment of Needs is Necessary to Develop Competence in Information and Communications Technology of School Teachers in Amnat Charoen Province

An assessment of needs is necessary to develop competence in information and communications technology of school teachers in Amnat Charoen Province


  • yuparat aphaiphan -
  • Ajcharee Pimpimool
  • Theerawut Akakul


The purpodes of this research were (1) to explore for the need  information and communication technology and competency development of secondary school teachers in Amnat Charoen Province, (2) to analyze the reasons for the need to develop information and communication technology and competencies of secondary school teachers in Amnat Charoen Province. (3) to propose guidelines for improving the information and communication technology and competencies of secondary school teachers in Amnat Charoen Province. For example, teachers in Mattayomsuksa 1-6  totaled 288. People selected samples using Yamane's formula,  research tools such as questionnaires on the development of information and communication technology and competencies of secondary school teachers, and questions on the organization of group processes in a fictitious technical way. Analyze quantitative data using basic statistical values. Mean, standard deviation, and use the need rating indexing techniques to prioritize essential needs and analyze qualitative data using cross-group analysis of case studies.

            The research findings were as follws:

  1. Secondary school teachers have the necessary need to improve the technological and communication competencies of secondary school teachers in the overall picture of the conditions that are true to the conditions they should be. And the most important priority is the competence of using basic information technology, followed by the competence in the use of information technology and communication with teaching and learning. Competence in the use of information and communication technology for personal and professional development. Competence in the use of information and communication technology is legal. Ethics, Ethics and Safety Sort by order
  2. The reason why there is a need to develop the competencies in technology and communication of the highest secondary school teachers is that teachers have a need to build knowledge and enhance their skills in educational and communication technology. There are also other reasons why teachers want to create learning resources that are easy for students to access. Convenient and accessible anytime, anywhere Teachers have a desire to develop their own academic output. Lack of knowledge and understanding of copyright law Citing sources, valid scholarly works. Create a modern teaching evaluation model. Accurate pedagogical evaluation Ease and speed of evaluation
  3. Guidelines for the development of the highest level of technology and communication competencies of secondary school teachers. i.e. having teachers participate in workshops. There are also other approaches, including self-learning, practice, experimentation with new techniques derived from training, and research to strengthen proficiency in the use of the program. Study, understand the laws, copyrights and patents of information technology, and exchange experience and knowledge about the use of educational information technology on the Internet with others.


Keywords Needs assessment, Technology and communication competencies, Secondary school teachers



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How to Cite

aphaiphan, yuparat, Pimpimool, A., & Akakul, T. (2023). An Assessment of Needs is Necessary to Develop Competence in Information and Communications Technology of School Teachers in Amnat Charoen Province: An assessment of needs is necessary to develop competence in information and communications technology of school teachers in Amnat Charoen Province. Ubon Ratchathani Journal of Research and Evaluation, 12(1), 36–45. Retrieved from