Synthesis of Research Related to The Learning Management in Thai Subject for Thinking Skills Development of Fundamental Education Student : Meta Analysis and Content Analysis


  • Lawan ์Noksammuang -
  • Maleerat Kajitnetitum
  • Rosewalee Ugsornwong


Research Synthesis, Thai Language Learning Management, Thinking Skills, Meta Analysis, Content Analysis


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the characteristics of research related to Thai language learning management to improve the thinking skills of students at the basic education level, 2) to analyze the magnitude of influence of Thai language learning management to improve the thinking skills of students at basic education level, 3) to summarize the body of knowledge gained from the synthesis of research on Thai language learning management. To develop the thinking skills of students at the basic education level. The research synthesized this time is a master's dissertation in higher education institutions in Thailand. It is an experimental research published from 2005 to 2019, 93 volumes that have been evaluated according to the criteria for assessing the quality of research at an improved level using the Research Quality Assessment Form and the Research Feature Record. Data analysis uses basic statistics to analyze meta-mantras. It is a quantitative synthesis by calculating the magnitude of influence according to the method of Glass, McGraw and Smith, and the summary of knowledge is a summary of the knowledge gained from the synthesis of research

            The research findings were as follows:

  1. Research features related to Thai language learning management to develop thinking skills of students at the basic education level. A total of 93 books were found 1) The researcher and printing aspect showed the largest number of studies in each area. Mahasarakham University, Master of Education in Curriculum and Teaching, produced research in 2013 2) The subject matter of the research appears the largest number studied in each area. Objectives for comparison Set directional hypotheses Use a blended learning management approach Define 1 independent variable, 1 number of learning management methods, and 1 dependent variable on critical thinking. Define 3 variables based on 3 variables, use data sources from 1 sample group, select samples by specific selection, using grade 3, assign a population/sample of 40 people or more. It takes 15-19 hours and the second semester to experiment. 3) In terms of information about data analysis and research results, the largest number of studies appeared in each area. as follows Use the Ability Assessment/Critical Thinking Skills Assessment The single Group Pre-Test Post Test Design research scheme uses percentage, mean and standard deviation. Hypothesis test statistics using t-test.
  2. The magnitude of the influence of Thai language learning management that affects the development of thinking skills of basic education students is the management of learning to develop critical thinking skills. The mean value of influence magnitude  = 3.04 by means of teaching management of learning has the greatest effect on critical thinking. Average influence magnitude  = 4.39 The teaching technique with the highest influence magnitude among teaching techniques is the six-hat technique with influence size d = 5.30.
  3. Summarize the body of knowledge about Thai language learning management to develop thinking skills of students at the basic education level. In conclusion, there are 5 methods of learning management: teaching style, teaching method, teaching technique, teaching materials, and blended teaching


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How to Cite

์Noksammuang L., Kajitnetitum, M., & Ugsornwong, R. (2023). Synthesis of Research Related to The Learning Management in Thai Subject for Thinking Skills Development of Fundamental Education Student : Meta Analysis and Content Analysis. Ubon Ratchathani Journal of Research and Evaluation, 12(2), 13–24. Retrieved from