
  • Varinporn Funfuengfu ภาควิชาศึกษาทั่วไป วิทยาลัยนาฏศิลปลพบุรี สถาบันบัณฑิตพัฒนศิลป์


Learning Management, Active Learning


          Active Learning is the learning management which emphasizes student-centered method together with directly organizing the learning activity and participation of students which provide opportunities to learn and take actions through activities by themselves. The teacher will be only the supervisor giving advice, activation, or facilitation to students to get learning process through critical thinking, analytical thinking, exchanging learning process among students, and presenting information obtained. The feature of Active Learning management is that students will participate in running activities by integrating their previous knowledge with the new knowledge, learning and constructing the knowledge by themselves. There are varieties of Active Learning management that teachers can utilize them to design learning management plan suitable for learning activities and students. Besides, this learning management activates students to have participation in the classroom, encourages interaction between students and students and students and the teacher. This helps students to achieve learning and obtain learning experience. It can be said that Active Learning is the learning management emphasizing developing learning process and allow students to apply their skills and knowledge to do their jobs and solve the problems or to earn their living in the future. And it also indicates that this learning process support students to have characters appropriate for the changes of the present world.


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How to Cite

Funfuengfu, V. (2019). THE SUCCESS OF ACTIVE LEARNING MANAGEMENT. Valaya Alongkorn Review, 9(1), 135–145. Retrieved from



Academic Article