
  • Siriphong Thanman 1Bachelor of Business Administration (General Management) Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University under the Royal Patronage


Digital economy, Moral, Ethics


          Nowadays digital technology plays an important role in human being life in many aspects i.e. social and working. Many organizations have to change their management style to be more efficient and match with digital technology age in order to keep going on profitability and growth. Though digital technology is vital, moral and ethics are important too and must be remained within the organization. Therefore, the management should study on the 3 concepts; 1) the influent components of organization serving digital economy, consisting of 2 levels that are the political level and the operational level. 1.1 The political level is the structural management of organization for external environment, and 1.2 the operational level means focusing on internal factors. 2) Moral and ethics in digital economy can be divided into 2 ways; 2.1) Moral means mind of goodness which one can be seen by his or her good behave, and 2.2) ethics mean principles of goodness considered by society and accepted to be used. These concepts based on religion which can be apply for organization management serving digital economy. 3) The improvement of moral and ethics within the organization must be started from the management. As a role model for employees, the management should demonstrate ethics of working such as giving, sharing, honesty and justice. Whatever the world has changed so far, organizations still need the moral and ethics as the concept for growth with peaceful society. The author suggests that organizations could develop moral and ethics for digital economy, in 3 ways; 1) by policy, 2) by management, and 3) by academic process.


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How to Cite

Thanman, S. (2019). MORALITY STRENGTHENING IN 21ST CENTURY, FOR ORGANIZATION OF DIGITAL ECONOMY. Valaya Alongkorn Review, 9(1), 146–163. Retrieved from



Academic Article