
  • Prakasit Prakobphol Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University under The Royal Patronage, Pathum Thani province
  • Jirasak Sungmek Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University under The Royal Patronage, Pathum Thani province


Songkran Festival, Dharma Puzzle, Tradition, Gratitude


          Songkran festival or Thai happy new year, it is said as a Long time disguising with morale for learning a life of people in society from charectors and activities in the legend. It is can be classified into two categories as a Personification and exposition in terms of ideas. A child is named as Dharmmapa͂la Kumar or can be said as a pure nature, should provided protection by adults. A Bra͂hma named as Kabila Bra͂hma can be said as adults or elderly people on the basis of exposition in terms of ideas, the adults are expressed as the Four sublime states of mind namely 1) Loving-kindness 2) Compassion 3) Sympathetic joy and 4) Equanimity. The sugar palm is explained as the six elements. The male and female eagles are explained as the six internal faculties and the six external faculties. The question consists of the three queries namely 1) In the morning, zodiac is on the face focussing the meaning of outside face, inner face and duties. 2) At noon, zodiac is on the breast having the meaning of essential virtuous mind of life. 3) In the evening, zodiac is on the foot exposed as the meaning of the standing point of life namely the Four foundations of Mindfulness. The head is explained as the thought or the concept namely introspection. The Pa͂n is symbolized as the social order. The Phra Sumen Mountain is parents’ obligation. The circular three rounds mean the Round of rebirth namely Defilement, Ka͂rma and Result (consequence of one’action). The Songkran Lady means a son and a daughter who must have gratitude towards their parents on the way of their body, mind and introspection. The water means many virtues in helping community such as Humility, Unity and Honest etc. The sand pagoda stands for Arrogance. The Flag accounts for Nirva͂na.


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How to Cite

Prakobphol, P., & Sungmek, J. (2019). SONGKRAN FESTIVAL: DHARMA PUZZLE OF THE LEGEND. Valaya Alongkorn Review, 9(1), 164–178. Retrieved from



Academic Article