
  • Chairatch Kongpesalaphun Princess Mother National Institute on Drug Abuse Treatment


Causal Relationship, Quality Development, Hospital Accreditation



The objective of this research were to study the causal relationship of factors affect hospital accreditation and to investigate the goodness of fit on structural equation model of hospital accreditation developed by the researcher with empirical data. The researchers formulated the conceptual framework to guide this research. The sample group were staff who worked in the Princess Mother National Institute, Department of Medical service, Ministry of Public Health 320 persons. The instrument were 4 questionnaires and validated by 5 experts and IOC 0.60-1.00. The reliability calculated by Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient was 0.88 and discrimination 0.21-0.7. Data were statistically analyzed by check the consistency of model. Study direct effect, indirect effect and total effect by using the statistical program.
          The research result of the research indicated that: The components of hospital accreditation comprise that the administration factor directly affect hospital accreditation and indirectly affect social factor and personal factor. Social factor directly affect hospital accreditation and indirectly affect personal factor. Personal factor directly affect hospital accreditation. The causal relationship model provided good fit to the empirical data, with Chi square = 44.140 (Adjust Chi square=1.424) P-value = 0.059, Goodness of Fit Index (GFI) = 0.988, Adjusted Goodness of Fit Index (AGFI) = 0.976 and Root Mean Square of Error Approximation (RMSEA) = 0.029. Statistical significance at .05 level. Hospital accredit were total effect from the administration factor most, followed by the social factor and personal factor. The overall value was 3.930, 2.750 and 0.880 respectively.


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How to Cite

Kongpesalaphun, C. (2019). CASUAL OF FACTORS AFFECT TO HOSPITAL ACCREDITATION. Valaya Alongkorn Review, 9(3), 89–103. Retrieved from



Research Article