
  • Ratchanee Singharachai Faculty of Business Administrator, Business Administration, Stamford International University Hua Hin Campus, Prachuap KhiriKhan


Commitment, Community Radio


          This research was to 1) study the personal factors of audience on the community radio in Chumphon province, 2) study the expectation of audience on the community radio in Chumphon province, 3) study the recognition of audience on the community radio in Chumphon province, 4) study the commitment of audience on the community radio in Chumphon province, and 5) to study the factors affecting to the commitment of audience on the community radio in Chumphon province. The samples consist of 400 audience on the community radio in Chumphon province. The research instrument is in the form of questionnaires and the data were analyzed by using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and Multiple Regression Analysis.

          The results of this research are as follows: 1) most of the audience on the community radio are female, age 21-30 years old, marital status, undergraduate education, average monthly income of not more than 15,000 bath, and have a farming career, 2) the overall expectation of audience on the community radio in Chumphon province was at a highest level. When each aspect was considered as follows: the operator in the first order, followed by the method of presenting the list, list format, and content, respectively, 3) the overall recognition of audience on the community radio in Chumphon province was at a high level. When each aspect was considered as follows: the operator in the first order, followed by content, list format, and the method of presenting the list, respectively, 4) the overall commitment of audience on the community radio in Chumphon province was at a high level. When each aspect was considered as follows: the confidence in the first order, followed by pride, honesty and sincerity, and passion, respectively, and 5) the factors of recognition the content affecting to the commitment of audience on the community radio in Chumphon province with statistical significance at the .01 level, as for education level, career, recognition the list format, and recognition the operator with statistical significance at the .05 level.


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How to Cite

Singharachai, R. (2019). THE FACTORS AFFECTING THE COMMITMENT OF AUDIENCE ON THE COMMUNITY RADIO IN CHUMPHON PROVINCE. Valaya Alongkorn Review, 9(3), 76–88. Retrieved from



Research Article