
  • Nitipan Suwat Department of Music, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Kanchanaburi Rajabhat University


Patriotic Songs, Suntharaporn, Persuasion, Western Values


              The objective of this Patriotic Songs of Suntharaporn band: Persuasive tools to Western values was to explain the role and use of Patriotic Songs of the Suntharaporn band as a tool to convince the mind of the people. This study is a study based on anthropology. The data is collected from the study of the documents of the interview and were presented with descriptive analysis in order to reflect the story of cultural change according to social events.
            The results of the study of the roles and use of the Patriotic Songs of the Suntharaporn band can be summarized as 4 issues. 1) Thai society has been influenced by superpower countries in the East and West through 2 channels, which are economic and military. 2) Western values in Thai society are caused by two types of propagation. It is that people outside the culture are leaders and people in culture who are leaders. The change of government in 1932 reflects the change of thinking and belief of people in Thai society. It results in new behaviors and new lifestyles under the policy of "conventions of state". 3) Suntharaporn band and the Department of Advertising Band together to perform social roles. Suntharaporn band is a band that is hired in addition to the office hours. The Department of Advertising Band is the main band of the government. They have the duty to play songs according to government orders through radio stations of the Department of Advertising such as Patriotic Songs, Institutional Songs, Youth Songs, and Festival Songs. 4) The patriotic Songs of the Suntharaporn band are instruments that the government uses to publicize and communicate with the people. The lyrics are written in language and words that convey to encourage, comfort, persuade, suggest, inform and explain. The result of persuasion affects the people. They understand the intent of the government on two issues. In terms of society, people understand the intention of patriotism. In terms of culture, people understand the intention of the government to want them to behave and act in a universal way.


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How to Cite

Suwat , N. (2019). PATRIOTIC SONGS OF SUNTHARAPORN BAND: PERSUASIVE TOOLS TO WESTERN VALUES. Valaya Alongkorn Review, 9(3), 173–186. Retrieved from



Academic Article