
  • Riam Namarak Faculty of Nursing, Nakhon Pathom Rajabhat University


Work- life balance, Guidelines of Work- life balance, Experience creating Work- life balance


Current work-life balance get attention is important in human resource management for many organizations both public and private agencies. While the balance of person must be different no perfect pattern, depends on the perspective and needs of individuals. Work-life balance is important of every career. Nurses is a profession requires work-life balance. This academic article aims to present the concept of work- life balance, creating work-life balance in the organization, work-life balance of professional nurses, application of work-life balance for professional nurses and experience of professional nurses work-life balance. Professional nurses must adopt guidelines work-life balance to use in work, personal life and family. In addition hospital administrators shall recognize the importance and support professional nurses have work-life balance in order to increase their professional retention and professional stability happy work place and good quality of life.


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How to Cite

Namarak, R. (2021). WORK- LIFE BALANCE IN PROFESSIONAL NURSES . Valaya Alongkorn Review, 11(3), 176–186. Retrieved from