
  • Kampol Duangpornprasert Department of Advertising and Public Relations Technology, Faculty of Business Administration and Information Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Tawan-Ok: Chakrabongse Bhuvanarth Campus


Construction of Meaning, Walking and Cycling in Daily Life, Chlorophyll Journal


This research project is a qualitative one with the objective of studying on the meaning of walking and cycling in daily life of Chlorophyll Journal, with the analyses on contents or texts of Chlorophyll Journals for 14 issues. The analysis is based on the principle of the writing of a journal that consists of the introduction part, the body part and the conclusion part, and the use of illustrations. Afterwards, the findings are presented in the style of descriptive write.
The findings from the study showed that the publisher of Chlorophyll Journal has constructed the meaning of walking and cycling in daily life in 4 aspects, namely, 1) environment, 2) health and safety, 3) networking and 4) creative thinking, all of which have meanings that concern 12 different issues. The meaning that is most constructed meaning of the walking and cycling in daily life concerns people who work on building collaborative networks with people in communities in other provinces. All the journals are reflected through the authority of storytelling through the writing of journals and the use of illustrations. Most authors are middle-class people such as doctors, people with specific professions, academics, governmental and private agencies, and researchers, who have constructed new meanings for walking and cycling in individual (personal) and collective (societal) levels in order to encourage the integrated use with other agencies for promoting the actual walking and cycling in daily life.


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How to Cite

Duangpornprasert, K. (2022). THE CONSTRUCTION OF MEANING OF WALKING AND CYCLING IN DAILY LIFE OF CHLOROPHYLL JOURNAL. Valaya Alongkorn Review, 12(1), 178–194. Retrieved from



Research Article