
  • RANGSAN LEEBEAO Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University Under the Royal Patronage Sakaeo


Ethics Development, Lord Buddha’s Teaching


The study of ethics development in organization base on lord buddha’s teaching. The objectives are to study the teaching and enhancement of lord buddha’s teaching in the development of appropriate ethics in organization. By collecting data form the Buddhist scripture (Tripitaka), book, textbook, and research documents. Analyze and synthesize knowledge, compose and describe according to the purpose. The result of study was in term of teaching, Lord Buddha categorizes teaching recipient according to their level of intelligence and human disposition, comparing them to     the lotus in a pond. And selecting the appropriate methods and principles for development. The teaching of lord buddha can be divided into 3 main components: teaching, content and teaching recipient. Emphasize the importance of content, benefits and teaching recipient. Through a variety of teaching methods such as conversation, narrative, question and answers and fixed criteria. Use strategies and methods to attract attention such as parables, metaphors, media use, examples, language, people, opportunities, flexibility, rewards and punishments. In term of lord buddha’s teaching. It is a teaching that emphasize of canon, concentration and wisdom. This study divided the lord buddha’ teachings into 4 areas: behavioral aspects such as not heedfulness, deed, evil conduct, good conduct, bases of meritorious action, path of accomplishment, right exertion, the five precepts, the five ennobling virtues, the Noble eightfold path, ten virtues and virtues of the king. Emotional aspects such as root of bad actions, root of good actions, four principle virtuous existence and prejudice. Mental aspects such as moral shame and moral dread, mindfulness and clear comprehension, the three characteristics and virtues which should be established in the mind. And social aspects such as good friend, qualities of successful shopkeeper, virtues for a good household life, virtues making for group integration and leadership and virtues of a gentleman. In practice, it should begin with the identification of ethical individuals, choosing the right teaching methods and lord buddha’s teaching and have good teaching practices. The main findings of this study are: The process of ethical development in the person of lord Buddha consists of important steps: Determining the suitability of ethical persons in regard to intelligence, knowledge, and abilities and individual habits and select teaching methods and teaching topics that are suitable for that individual with good teaching practices which is an important factor that will help teaching success.



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How to Cite

LEEBEAO, R. (2021). ETHICS DEVELOPMENT IN ORGANIZATION BASED ON LORD BUDHHA’S THEACHING . Valaya Alongkorn Review, 11(3), 203–218. Retrieved from