
  • Phonkrit Solaphakul Management Faculty of Political Science, North Bangkok University
  • Sanit Sirivisitkul Management Faculty of Political Science, North Bangkok University
  • Kietchai Veerayannon Management Faculty of Political Science, North Bangkok University


Management, Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship, Garment Industry


The objectives of this study were to 1) study the condition and problems of competitiveness of Thai garment industry operators; 2) to compare the factors of business characteristics affecting the competitiveness of Thai garment industry operators; 3) to study the factors of business characteristics that affect the competitiveness of Thai garment industry operators; Management that affects the competitiveness of Thai apparel industry entrepreneurs and 4) Analyze and propose management guidelines to increase the competitiveness of Thai apparel industry operators. The sample groups used in the study were: Representatives of 327 garment enterprises and 17 garment industries. The instruments used in the study consisted of 1) questionnaires with Item Objective Congruence index of 0.88 and Alpha-coefficient of 0.99 and 2) in-depth interview as a tool by using. Analysis of the interview by content analysis method. Analysis of competitiveness of Thai garment industry operators classified by personal factors and business characteristics factors by t-test, ANOVA and the relationship between factors the relationship between variables was analyzed by multiple regression analysis.

            The results showed that the management factors of Thai garment industry entrepreneurs as a whole were found to be at a high level. The averages can be sorted from descending as follows: Planning, innovation, human resources, manufacturing, and marketing, accordingly. Competitiveness of Thai garment industry entrepreneurs as a whole was found to be at a high level. The averages can be sorted from descending as follows: Market focus on a specific segment, followed by differentiation and cost advantage, respectively. Thai garment industry operators with a form of business, registered capital, period of operation and different shareholding proportions the ability to compete was statistically different. Factors influencing the competitiveness of Thai garment industry operators were planning, production, human resources, innovation, and marketing, with statistical significance. It has 61.60% forecasting power (R2 = 0.616). Management approaches to increase the competitiveness of Thai garment industry operators are: Approach 1: Developing management knowledge and reducing the cost of operators. Approach 2: ais to upgrade from being a contract manufacturer of products according to the designs specified by the customer. It is a production that can add value to products by designing, developing product styles and bringing those products to offer to customers. or production under own brand. Approach 3: Support research and development to create innovation; and Approach 4: Integration into clusters throughout the supply chain branding production technology development using innovation to create added value the creation of qualified and sufficient personnel to meet the needs of the industry.


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How to Cite

Solaphakul, P. ., Sirivisitkul, S., & Veerayannon, K. (2021). MANAGEMENT GUIDELINES TO INCREASE COMPETITIVENESS OF THAI GARMENT INDUSTRY. Valaya Alongkorn Review, 11(3), 143–162. Retrieved from