
  • Phakamas Ratanabuth Department of Health and Physical Faculty of Education, Ramkhamhaeng University


     The purpose of this research was to study the problem, problem-solving guidelines, and preparation for teaching professional experience students at the Department of Physical Education at Ramkhamhaeng University. The sample was selected by Krejcie & Morgan Table, and the purposeful sampling consisted of 86 teaching professional training students, 32 mentor teachers, and 14 supervisors. Data was collected using a checklist and an open-ended questionnaire. The focus group process to find incomplete issues and make the research completed by specialists consisted of supervision and general teachers, the head of health and physical education in school, a mentor teacher, and a university professional experience training teacher. The statistics that were used in data analysis were frequency, percentage, and standard deviation.
     The research shows that: 1) Problems of students training professional experiences, 1st Practicum and 2nd Practicum students are at a medium level (M = 3.33, S.D. = 0.61) and (M = 2.91, S.D. = 0.61), respectively, and all issues were found to be moderate. and 2) The problems of students' training experience with university teachers, mentors, and supervisors were found to be higher for 1st Practicum students than for 2nd Practicum students professional experience. The 1st Practicum Students' experience had a high level of problems (M = 3.65, S.D. = 0.64) and the 2nd Practicum Students problems had a moderate problem (M = 2.96, S.D. = 0.72) and the problem of the 2nd' Practicum Students professional experience decreased in all issues.
     Guidelines for solving problems and preparation were found to be: 1) The president of student professional experience using the method of informing and introducing students individually and directly, Monitoring at every distance, including an appointment, and clarifying the agreement in detail according to the steps from the Faculty Professional Experience Training Center. 2) Students teaching Experience operates as assigned for teaching and working. Learn and work at the school. Participate in professional activities, Observe the teaching of health education and physical education. Mentor teachers for their own teaching.
     The Suggestions from the Focus Group Discussion Students professional training experience in the COVID-19 situation, the solution is as follows: 1) Proceed with teaching and learning management in accordance with the school announcement. 2) Prepare both online and onsite education plans and resolve the specific events as instructional media and materials in the classroom, school, and home Internet signal problems. 3) Divide the lesson content into small parts to increase the student's ability to focus on the lesson. Classroom work or practice within the class; do not assign too much workload; and do not need homework.


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How to Cite

Ratanabuth, P. (2023). A STUDY OF THE PROBLEM CONDITIONS OF TEACHING PROFESSIONAL TRAINING EXPERIENCE STUDENTS, DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION, RAMKHAMHAENG UNIVERSITY. Valaya Alongkorn Review, 13(3), 1–14. Retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/var/article/view/262664