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Wasin Tantageyun
Ratchaneewan Wanichtanom


The purposes of this research were to study Adversity Quotient, Emotional Intelligence, and Job Satisfaction with Goal Commitment as a mediator variable. Research tools consisted of questionnaire of Positive Adversity Quotient, Emotional Intelligence, Goal Commitment, and Job Satisfaction. Statistical data was analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, Pearson’s correlation coefficient, Regression analysis, and the Sobel test.

The result found Adversity Quotient and its components were significantly correlated with Job Satisfaction. (r = .368, r = .183, r = .306, r = .143, and r = .378). Overall Emotional Intelligence and its components were positively and significantly correlated with Job Satisfaction. (r = .377, r = .317, r = .406, and r = .368). Goal Commitment was significantly correlated with Work Performance. (r = .434). Goal Commitment was found to be a partial mediator variable for the relationship between Adversity Quotient and Job Satisfaction. (Z = 3.806). And Goal Commitment was a partial mediator variable of Emotional Intelligence,
correlated with Job Satisfaction. (Z = 4.567).

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